After a comfortable bus ride to San Salvador, the capital, a scary walk followed through the streets at night to find an ATM. There are warnings not to do that, don't leave your hotel after 8pm, but no money - no honey! So we (my Israeli friend and a French guy) found a fuel station around the corner where we could get money and just opposite a little food stall to have diner. Nothing dangerous in the end.

Next day we caught a bus to La Libertad at the coast and from there towards El Zonte beach. We found a lovely hotel by the sea, we had a dorm with great sea view, a pool and several interesting pets. There were parrots, dogs, budgies and a big iguana. Well it turned out that this last one didn't like females, so one day while he was guarding his pool, I took a swim and when I did not look he attacked me! He jumped into the pool and tried to get my legs, I narrowly escaped! That was so funny though!
Pacco |
We had an earthquake one evening and a big storm over the sea the other night. We all sat under a shelter watching the waves be illuminated by lightning, goosebumps feeling!

I had two surf lessons the first day and then spent all the following days trying to get on the board. Surfing is so much fun but after a few hours in the water fighting with the waves you become crazy exhausted. But I managed to stand on the board and surf straight. Yeah!! Next time I will learn how to turn. Unfortunately there is no pic of me surfing...:(
After those great days at the beach with black lava sand we took some chickenbuses and even hitchhiked to national park El Imposible. In Tacuba, close to the park, we stayed with Mama y Papa, what is the most friendliest hostel in Salvador! We did a hike through the park, followed the flow of a river and jumped whenever there was a waterfall. Well, to be honest, I skipped the last two jumps, they were way to high for me, I think one was 10 to 12 m and the other 15 m.
Another day we went to Ataco, a little village an hour away, to have a relaxed day visiting coffee farms and handicraft shops.

And eventually we left El Salvador and 10 chickenbuses later we still had not reached our destination Copan Ruinas in Honduras and had to stop over night in Chiquimula, Guatemala. But at least I can say I am a chickenbus expert user now! ;-)
Hallo Linda, das klingt ja wieder einfach toll. Die Fotos sind so schön geworden. Leider funktioniert der Fotolink für Guatemala nicht.
Ich habe schon zwei deiner Karten auf unserer Postkartenwand aufhängen können, die aus Mexico und El Salvador. Warten auf die Nächsten!
Te deseo un buen viaje! Cuidate mucho!
Saludos desde Alemania
P.S. Beim nächsten mal ist natürlich der ganze Kommentar auf Spanisch. ;)
Hola chica,
Na das klingt ja toll - ein Bus voller Chicks - kein Wunder das Du da Expertin geworden bist (;-)
Finde Deinen Blog sehr unterhaltsam und freue mich auf jeden neuen Bericht! Wir haben jetzt Chile gebucht - vom 21.10. -26.11 sind wir in Deiner Nähe, aber wohl doch noch zu weit entfernt...
Hasta luego,
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